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> OLLI Session 2 > Tuesday Session 2

Irish and Irish American Nationalism   

For more than 200 years, visions of independence and freedom for Ireland percolated throughout the island and circulated around the Atlantic, as Irishwomen and men were forced to migrate by exigencies, economic and political. The Irish in the United States became a source of people, money, and ideas. Irish and Irish American Nationalism will examine the movements, the ideas, and the personalities, including the exiles, contributing to Irish independence.
  • Irish and Irish American Nationalism 
  • Speaker: Peter Gilmore
    Dates: 10/15/2024 - 11/19/2024
    Times: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 5
    Modality: Online
    Fee: $0.00

     Show Description

    This course will meet online October 15, 22, 29, November 12, and 19. There is no class November 5th.



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