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Paths Not Taken: Possible Outcomes of Key Decisions Made Differently in Modern American History   

This four-session class will look at key decisions made by American presidents since 1940 and, with robust class participation, explore various possible outcomes, positive and negative, had alternative decisions been made.  The first 45-60 minutes of each class will include summary of events and context surrounding key decisions followed by instructor-led discussion of possible outcomes had different decisions been made. 


Thanks for your interest in Paths Not Taken: Possible Outcomes of Key Decisions Made Differently in Modern American History with Carl PalesThere are 11 seats available. Online registration has closed.  Call the OLLI Office at 434-923-3600 to register. 

  • Presenter: Carl Pales
  • Dates: 11/18/2024 - 12/16/2024 
  • Times: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Days:


This four-session class will look at key decisions made by American presidents since 1940 and, with robust class participation, explore various possible outcomes, positive and negative, had alternative decisions been made.  The first 45-60 minutes of each class will include summary of events and context surrounding key decisions followed by instructor-led discussion of possible outcomes had different decisions been made. 

Some Title