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The Charlottesville Symphony at the University of Virginia –50 Years of Symphonic Splendor    NEW!

2024-25 marks the 50th Anniversary Season of the Charlottesville Symphony at the University Virginia. In conversation, imagery and performance, this six-session course traces the unique history of UVA’s orchestra; introduces participants to the conductor’s craft; explores the range and versatility of percussion instruments;  ponders the future of classical music and the modern symphony orchestra; and offers a sampling of orchestral music new and old.

Participants will hear behind-the-scenes anecdotes; learn what goes into the creation of a season’s programming; try their hand at conducting; visit the Percussion Room at Old Cabell Hall for an up-close performance on unusual percussion instruments; and consider innovations and trends in symphonic music that will connect people and performances in the next half-century.  Attendees will also receive an invitation to an Open Rehearsal of the full orchestra during the 2024-25 season.


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