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The Bourbon Dynasty in France: Traveling through the History of France Part III    NEW!

Bourbon kings first ruled France in the 16th century.  How did this dynasty originate?  The Bourbons provided reigning kings of France from 1589 until 1792.  It included Henry IV, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI before the Revolution started in 1789.  This survey course will include the contributions of each monarch and the cultural effects that it had on France. 


Thanks for your interest in The Bourbon Dynasty in France: Traveling through the History of France Part III with Debbie CorberThere are 1 seats available. Online registration has closed.  Call the OLLI Office at 434-923-3600 to register. 

  • Presenter: Debbie Corber
  • Dates: 11/5/2024 - 12/10/2024 
  • Times: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Days: Tu 


Bourbon kings first ruled France in the 16th century.  How did this dynasty originate?  The Bourbons provided reigning kings of France from 1589 until 1792.  It included Henry IV, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI before the Revolution started in 1789.  This survey course will include the contributions of each monarch and the cultural effects that it had on France. 

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