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Poetry for Dabblers    NEW!

Poetry for Dabblers is designed for anyone who enjoys writing poetry and seeks gentle feedback in a group setting. A minimal amount of instruction will be provided. Each participant, on a weekly basis, will share their work with the rest of the class and receive written responses from their classmates. A short class discussion will follow. If you enjoy writing and want an audience, this course is for you.


Thanks for your interest in Poetry for Dabblers with Brent Kitching, James OglethorpeThere are 4 seats available. Online registration has closed.  Call the OLLI Office at 434-923-3600 to register. 


Poetry for Dabblers is designed for anyone who enjoys writing poetry and seeks gentle feedback in a group setting. A minimal amount of instruction will be provided. Each participant, on a weekly basis, will share their work with the rest of the class and receive written responses from their classmates. A short class discussion will follow. If you enjoy writing and want an audience, this course is for you.

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