OLLI Special Presentations are lectures that are Free and Open to the Public. We encourage you to attend and to bring with you a friend or neighbor who may not have attended an OLLI course before.
Having Special Presentations, in addition to our regular courses, allows us to schedule short lectures that are of special interest to our members, and may also be on a topic that has come to the forefront in the news, in local interest, or concern.
Examples of recent Special Presentations include: How the Civil War Generation Wanted Us to Remember Their War, Memorial to Enslaved Laborers at UVA, One Drop: Symbolism of the Racial Integrity Act, Inventing the Nonsmoker: The Unheralded Activists in the History of the Cigarette , The Racial and Ethnic History of Charlottesville, The 2020 Elections -- 10 Days and Counting.
*DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in the Special Presentations are those of the Presenters and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of OLLI at UVA.
Watch for Upcoming Special Presentations, dates and times are still to be determined: