Speaking of Rivers Tour with Horace Scruggs
- Day of the week: Th
- Date: 5/15/2025
- Time: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM.
- Fees:
Member: $100.00
Non-Member: $115.00
- Details:
Rivers have always been vital to the development and commerce of many civilizations throughout history. And through much of the history of America this has included the labor and invention of both free and enslaved African-Americans. With the personal stories at the forefront, this Rivanna River float will enlighten paddlers of the experiences and contributions African-Americans had on Central Virginia’s rivers. This will include discussions on the American slave trade, local plantations, bateau and watermen, and canal workers. Come learn how African-Americans navigated the river as well as the societal pressures of their times.
This beginner-friendly half-day trip introduces participants to the rural beauty of Fluvanna County. While there are numerous riffles and a few very small Class 1 rapids, the majority of the trip is placid water over pebble, rock and sand bottom. In the summer, the water is low and clear, and inviting for swimming, snorkeling, wading, and fish watching. Numerous pebble beaches and sunny rocks make good places to break, swim and snack.
At typical summer water levels, expect the trip to take from 3-3.5 hours at a leisurely pace. If the Rivanna River level is too low the float will take place on the James River.
In partnership with the Rivanna River Company: kayak, paddle and flotation device included. Multiple guides will be with the group and the option to travel in a canoe with a guide is available, please inquire. Closer to May 15 more details will be shared with those enrolled.
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