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Open to the Public Events   

Scroll down to see list of offerings. OPEN to the Public.
  • #K Munch & Learn: Manned Spaceflights II (Zoom), W25
  • Item: OZ-411-W25
    Tuition: $0.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/13/2025 - 2/13/2025
    Sessions: 1     Times: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM     
    Room: Zoom 1     Building: Online       
    Enroll Min: 1    Remaining Seats: 53
    Instructor: Shri Srikanth, Rick Rokosz
    Back by popular demand, Rick picks up where he left off from his previous presentation with a brief recap of the first session followed by a deep dive into several back stories not cover in his first presentation. This session will address several humorous mission events, NASA and UFOs, and will conclude with an interactive launch count down. Come hear things not covered in part one and never before publicized by the media. There will be ample time for a Q & A session at the end.

    OPEN to the Public. Registration is Required.

  • #J Munch & Learn: Manned Spaceflights II (In Person), W25
  • Item: OV-410-W25
    Tuition: $0.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/13/2025 - 2/13/2025
    Sessions: 1     Times: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM     
    Room: 137     Building: Verde Campus - Bldg.M       
    Enroll Min: 1    Remaining Seats: 23
    Instructor: Shri Srikanth, Rick Rokosz
    Back by popular demand, Rick picks up where he left off from his previous presentation with a brief recap of the first session followed by a deep dive into several back stories not cover in his first presentation. This session will address several humorous mission events, NASA and UFOs, and will conclude with an interactive launch count down. Come hear things not covered in part one and never before publicized by the media. There will be ample time for a Q & A session at the end.

    OPEN to the Public. Registration is Required.

  • #L Munch & Learn: That Gut Feeling (In Person), W25
  • Item: OP-412-W25
    Tuition: $0.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/20/2025 - 2/20/2025
    Sessions: 1     Times: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM     
    Room: 119     Building: Prescott Bldg 3       
    Enroll Min: 1    Remaining Seats: 53
    Instructor: Kelly Boryca, Holly Huffman
    Do you ever get the feeling that your Gut has a Mind of Its Own?  It does!
    Sometimes called the ‘second brain,’ your gut and its microbial inhabitants constantly communicate with your brain. Your body is teaming with millions of microorganisms, known as your microbiome, residing primarily in your gut. The balance and health of your microbial partners will affect your gut feelings physically and mentally. We’ll discuss the impact these microorganisms have on your health.

    OPEN to the Public. Registration is Required.

  • #M Munch & Learn: That Gut Feeling (Zoom), W25
  • Item: OZ-413-W25
    Tuition: $0.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/20/2025 - 2/20/2025
    Sessions: 1     Times: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM     
    Room: Zoom 1     Building: Online       
    Enroll Min: 1    Remaining Seats: 25
    Instructor: Kelly Boryca, Holly Huffman
    Do you ever get the feeling that your Gut has a Mind of Its Own?  It does!
    Sometimes called the ‘second brain,’ your gut and its microbial inhabitants constantly communicate with your brain. Your body is teaming with millions of microorganisms, known as your microbiome, residing primarily in your gut. The balance and health of your microbial partners will affect your gut feelings physically and mentally. We’ll discuss the impact these microorganisms have on your health.

    OPEN to the Public. Registration is Required.

  • #N Munch & Learn: Harvey Leake (In-Person), W25
  • Item: OP-414-W25
    Tuition: $0.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/27/2025 - 2/27/2025
    Sessions: 1     Times: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM     
    Room: 119     Building: Prescott Bldg 3       
    Enroll Min: 1    Remaining Seats: 52
    Instructor: Rudy Arena
    In the summer of 1913, former President Theodore Roosevelt embarked on a strenuous Arizona horseback and camping expedition with his two youngest sons, Archie and Quentin. They crossed the Grand Canyon, hunted cougars on the North Rim, then headed East to the Navajo country. At the remote outpost of Kayenta, they met Harvey Leake’s great-grandparents John and Louisa Wetherill, and proceeded, under John’s guidance, on a long-guided excursion to the magnificent Rainbow Natural Bridge.

    OPEN to the Public. Registration is Required.

  • #O Munch & Learn: Harvey Leake (Zoom), W25
  • Item: OZ-415-W25
    Tuition: $0.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 2/27/2025 - 2/27/2025
    Sessions: 1     Times: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM     
    Room: Zoom 1     Building: Online       
    Enroll Min: 1    Remaining Seats: 48
    Instructor: Rudy Arena
    In the summer of 1913, former President Theodore Roosevelt embarked on a strenuous Arizona horseback and camping expedition with his two youngest sons, Archie and Quentin. They crossed the Grand Canyon, hunted cougars on the North Rim, then headed East to the Navajo country. At the remote outpost of Kayenta, they met Harvey Leake’s great-grandparents John and Louisa Wetherill, and proceeded, under John’s guidance, on a long-guided excursion to the magnificent Rainbow Natural Bridge.

    OPEN to the Public. Registration is Required.

  • #P Munch & Learn: Will Williams (In-Person), W25
  • Item: OP-416-W25
    Tuition: $0.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 3/6/2025 - 3/6/2025
    Sessions: 1     Times: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM     
    Room: 119     Building: Prescott Bldg 3       
    Enroll Min: 1    Remaining Seats: 65
    Instructor: Rudy Arena
    Will Williams, a local Prescott Courier columnist and story-teller entered retirement with only a mental and casual bucket list in mind. He realized that his central theme in retirement will be to keep passion in whatever he decided to do. With that thought in mind he developed a ten-year hobby of producing video biographies, writing a newspaper column for the first time in his life, volunteering and speaking before groups. He has some interesting stories to tell.

    OPEN to the Public. Registration is Required.

  • #Q Munch & Learn: Will Williams (Zoom), W25
  • Item: OZ-417-W25
    Tuition: $0.00
    Days: Th     Dates: 3/6/2025 - 3/6/2025
    Sessions: 1     Times: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM     
    Room: Zoom 1     Building: Online       
    Enroll Min: 1    Remaining Seats: 61
    Instructor: Rudy Arena
    Will Williams, a local Prescott Courier columnist and story-teller entered retirement with only a mental and casual bucket list in mind. He realized that his central theme in retirement will be to keep passion in whatever he decided to do. With that thought in mind he developed a ten-year hobby of producing video biographies, writing a newspaper column for the first time in his life, volunteering and speaking before groups. He has some interesting stories to tell.

    OPEN to the Public. Registration is Required.


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