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VINOD CHACHRA IMPACT LAB READY TO APPLY AT NO COST? > K-12 Provisional to Professional Pathway

EDRD 630 - Teaching Reading in the Content Areas   

This course is designed primarily for middle and high school teachers who teach in the content areas like biology, art and music, business education, geography, and algebra. This course addresses how evidence-based, developmentally appropriate literacy instruction and assessment enhances students’ content learning.

Our primary goal is to help teachers support students’ access to and use of literacy to engage and explore within each discipline. More practically, you’ll learn how you, as the teacher, embed reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening opportunities to meet the literacy needs and strengths of all learners in your classroom, even those who are reading below grade level.

  • EDRD 630 - Teaching Reading in the Content Areas
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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