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VINOD CHACHRA IMPACT LAB READY TO APPLY AT NO COST? > K-12 Professional Development > Math

Elementary Math: Making Sense of Word Problems   

This micro-credential is designed to help you learn about tools and strategies to address common challenges with teaching word problems among a diverse set of learners. You will examine categories and subcategories of word problems based on the structures provided by Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI). The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is medium. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 through 8.

  • Elementary Math: Making Sense of Word Problems
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10
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