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VINOD CHACHRA IMPACT LAB READY TO APPLY AT NO COST? > IT Professional Micro-Credentials, Course, Certificates, & Credential > Data Science Credential

Data Science Credential   

The Data Science Credential is aligned with industry-endorsed certification exams (e.g., CompTIA Data+) and provides extensive hands-on experience in data profiling, data quality assessments, data visualization, exploratory data analysis, data and web security, geographic information systems (GIS), data literacy, data documentation, data curation, and taxonomic principles. The Data Science credential was developed in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Chief Data Officer’s office and was designed to increase workforce capacity in the areas of data science and other high demand fields such as cybersecurity and geospatial intelligence.
  • Course 1 of 5: CBIT 343 - Data Quality and Visualization
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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  • Course 2 of 5: GEOS 125 - Introduction to Geospatial Data and Technologies
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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  • Course 3 of 5: CBIT 101 - Foundations of Cybersecurity
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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  • Course 4 or 5: CBIT 240 - Data and Web Security
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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  • Course 5 of 5: CBIT 243 - Data Curation
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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