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VINOD CHACHRA IMPACT LAB READY TO APPLY AT NO COST? > IT Professional Micro-Credentials, Course, Certificates, & Credential > Geospatial Intelligence Certificate

Geospatial Intelligence Certificate   

The Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Certificate program prepares learners to succeed in the geospatial intelligence field. Learners develop knowledge directly related to the core competencies of the Geospatial Technology Competency Model developed by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF). The program focuses on geospatial problem-solving skills, data fusion, geospatial technologies, and applications of these to disaster response, emergency management, infrastructure and resource management, military and policy operations, big data analysis and cyber security. Learners completing the certificate program will be able to use the geospatial analysis techniques, skills and tools to derive meaningful information from geospatial data, solve geospatial intelligence problems in multiple situations and communicate their findings in a professional manner to both professional and public audiences.
  • Course 1 of 5: GEOS 125 - Introduction to Geospatial Data and Technologies
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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  • Course 2 of 5: GEOS 250 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • Fee: $1,484.00
    Credit Hours: 4.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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  • Course 3 of 5: GEOS 315 - Intermediate GIS
  • Fee: $1,484.00
    Credit Hours: 4.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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  • Course 4 of 5: CBIT 343 - Data Quality and Visualization
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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  • Course 5 of 5: GEOS 480 - Advancements in Geospatial Intelligence
  • Fee: $1,113.00
    Credit Hours: 3.00
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 0
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