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Diesel Engines for Recreational Boaters   

Class Overview

Would you like to better understand your boat's engine? Learn about marine diesel engines in this six-session class designed for recreational boaters.

Investigate the fundamentals of operation, maintenance and troubleshooting for small diesel propulsion generator engines. Gain the knowledge and confidence needed to do basic maintenance and keep your engine in good working condition.

In addition to the information outlined below, you'll also receive a list of recommended books and reference materials to continue your learning outside of class. Enjoy gaining knowledge from a professional in the boating industry and asking any questions you have.


Learning Objectives

  • In this class you will learn about:
  • Basic diesel and gasoline engine combustion theory
  • Lubrication and cooling systems
  • Alarms and controls
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Recommended books and references


Who Might Enjoy This Class?

  • Recreational sail and power boaters interested in expanding their knowledge of marine diesel engines and understanding of basic maintenance.

This class is currently not available. 


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