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Italian - Level 4   

Class Overview

Continue learning Italian in this friendly, supportive and highly interactive class. 

Improve essential and practical language skills in Italian. Build everyday vocabulary, expressions, and basic conversational skills while exploring Italian cultures. 

Become more skilled with the essentials of Italian grammar, and develop your listening, speaking, and reading skills. 

In this intermediate Italian class, interact with the instructor and fellow students in short and simple conversations. You will gain a strong foundation in the Italian language that you can build upon as you gain proficiency.


Recommended Textbook

The book below will be used for 6 levels of daytime Italian classes: Avanti Aski- Musumeci, Second Edition; ISBN 978-0-07-338624-9.


Learning Objectives

  • Be able to say everyday expressions and phrases on familiar topics in Italian
  • Have simple conversations
  • Listen, speak and read in simple Italian
  • Be familiar with basic grammar
  • Gain basic everyday vocabulary and expressions
  • Have deeper understanding of Italian-speaking cultures


Who Might Enjoy This Class? 

  • Prerequisite: Students who have completed the High-Beginner Italian class with us or who have taken approximately 60 hours of introductory classes, or the equivalent
  • Italian language students who wish to continue learning Italian in a relaxed and supportive environment

This class is currently not available. 


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