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Travel Photography for Seniors   

Class Overview

Do you enjoy photography, especially in new and interesting environments? Whether traveling near or far, for a daylong trip, a weekend getaway, or longer, learn how to take much better travel photos in this fun class.

Learn how to tell stories through photography, so you can share your travel experience with loved ones after your trip. Gain a better understanding of camera handling, settings, subject matter, and composition that you can use in your adventures.

Explore how to prepare for any trip to get excellent photos. With a little knowledge and planning, taking photos can enhance your travel experience and can enjoy the “wow!” experience later looking at your photos.

We will also review what to do when you get back - from organizing your photos, to making the most of the photos you create. Discover opportunities to turn your photos into souvenirs that you and others can enjoy for a long time to come, such as calendars or even books. 

This is a hybrid class. We will meet online for instructions and photo sharing, and in person for photo shoots and practice.  This class is for anyone using any digital camera, from a phone camera to DSLR, or a mirrorless camera. No experience needed.

It’s part of our Broadway Hill Club offerings, designed for older students and offered during the daytime on diverse topics, though students of all ages are welcome!

Supplies Needed

  • Any digital camera – a phone camera, a mirrorless or DSLR – that allows you to download and share your photographs
  • A device to participate in an online class with Zoom
  • A free Flickr account to post photos for sharing with the class


Learning Objectives

  • Make much better travel photographs
  • Have a better understanding of camera handling, settings, subject matter, and composition 
  • Select better what to show
  • Thoroughly research any travel destination online
  • Know more alternatives for how to use your travel photography after you return
  • Feel confident in preparing equipment for travel, from servicing to packing
  • Tell stories with your photography


Who Might Enjoy This Class?

  • Anyone who wishes to come home from trips with better photographs
  • People who enjoy travel and photography
  • Seniors interested in daytime learning opportunities; all ages are welcome
  • All skill levels; everyone is welcome!

This class is currently not available. 


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