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Turn Your Art Into Greeting Cards and Sell Them   

Class Overview

Have you ever had a friend or family member say you should do more with your art? Have you ever imagined making money from your art? Explore one of the simplest, least expensive, safest ways to honor - and sustain - your artistic endeavors. Learn how you can make some return on the investment of time and money you put into art, by turning your art into greeting cards. 

Learn what makes the best greeting cards from 2d and 3d art and how to assemble a greeting card - what you need and where to buy it. Explore the power of going beyond just originals. Discuss how to photograph your artwork, if it is not already photography, to prepare it and duplicate it.

In this class we will explore pricing, selling online, working with stores, and even licensing your art to third parties. The emphasis will be on removing hurdles so you can make your own cards by the second session. This class is timed to prepare you in plenty of time for one of the best times of the year for greeting cards, the winter holiday season. Your design will work for all art mediums, 2d and 3d, from painting to photography, ceramics to woodworking.


This class is part of our Broadway Hill Club offerings in Winter 2024, designed for older students and offered during the daytime on diverse topics, though students of all ages are welcome.


What You Need Before Your First Class

Select 5 examples of your art as candidates for making cards. The instructor will share his feedback in the first class.


Learning Objectives

  • Better select the pieces of your art that are the most suitable for greeting cards
  • Make a finished greeting card with your art
  • Set an appropriate price for your greeting cards
  • Sell your own greeting card directly
  • Contact a local store to have them sell your greeting cards
  • Understand the ins and outs of selling greeting cards online


Who Might Enjoy This Class?

  • Anyone making art in any medium, 2d and 3d, painting to photography, woodworking to ceramics
  • Artists who want to make some return on their investment of time and money in their art
  • Anyone who wants to share their art with friends or loved ones
  • Artists who love seeing their art out in the world, being enjoyed by, and having an impact on others

This class is currently not available. 


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