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Plein Air Painting Workshop    NEW!

Class Overview 

Immerse yourself in the exhilarating practice of painting outdoors in this workshop. Create your own unique painting and gain skills so you can continue to paint “plein air” (the French phrase for "outdoors") on your own in the future.

Learn about tools, materials and techniques for plein air painting. Explore the landscape color wheel and practices for mixing colors for the outdoors. We will explore the history and traditions around plein air painting, as well as the techniques. Classes will meet at a various locations outdoors that will be inspiring for painting -- see below.

No experience needed, just a willingness to learn. Be sure to dress so you will be comfortable outdoors.

Learning Objectives

  • Techniques for plein air painting
  • Materials for painting plein air and how to use them
  • Light, shadow, composition, observation, color, style, format and presentation 
  • Appreciation of plein air painting by looking at examples in art history 
  • Connection to art in an outdoor environment


Who Might Enjoy This Class? 

  • Anyone interested in learning the techniques for plein air painting
  • Painters interested in focusing on the specific techniques of plein air
  • Anyone seeking a new experience to make winter more interesting


Supplies Needed

Paints: acrylics, oils or watercolors – your choice!

For Acrylic or Oil Painting:

Students must bring canvas, (recommended size 9" x 12"), one new canvas for each session.

Oil painters will also need Gamsol and Linseed Oil, or Zest it and Linseed Oil.


For Watercolor Painting:

Watercolor paper, or a small watercolor pad; one sheet of watercolor paper for each class.


Everyone must bring:

Paints, palette, two cups, a small bottle of water, paint brushes, and a rag. 

A lightweight, aluminum, tripod, foldable, Plein Air easel is recommended. 

Paint Colors:

  • Titanium White
  • Hansa Yellow, Cadmium, or Lemon Yellow
  • Napthol Red
  • Phthalo Green, or a Dark Green
  • Ultramarine Blue or Prussian Blue
  • Raw Sienna
  • Mars or Ivory Black
  • Optional but recommended, a bright Cerulean Blue




We are currently not offering this class.


Please check our CE Calendar for upcoming registration dates.



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