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Course Catalog > Language Academy > Italian

Italian - Level 3   

Class Overview

Continue building on what you learned in Italian - Level 2 in a low-pressure atmosphere. This class is conducted entirely in Italian, and there is a greater expectation that you'll progress in your abilities to think, understand, and express yourself in Italian.

During this class, you will:

  • Continue to improve listening and speaking skills
  • Learn 300-500 additional vocabulary items
  • Review basics from Level 1 & 2 such as grammar, syntax and pronunciation
  • Learn the present perfect tense and future tense
  • Study more irregular verbs
  • Learn the reflexive verbs, as well as direct and indirect object pronouns and future tense
  • Gain confidence in conducting more complex conversations in Italian


Learning Objectives

  • Build upon your existing Italian language skills
  • Expand your vocabulary
  • Increase your understanding of Italian grammar
  • Practice conversing with others and gain experience in speaking Italian


Recommended Textbook 

The book below will be used for 6 levels of daytime Italian classes: Avanti Aski- Musumeci, Second Edition; ISBN 978-0-07-338624-9.

Who Might Enjoy This Class?

  • Anyone with an enthusiasm for learning a new language
  • Those that have completed Italian - Level 2 or have taken previous beginning Italian classes (with instructor approval)

This class is currently not available. 


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