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Course Catalog > Broadway Hill Club

Welcome to Medicare   

Would you like help understanding Medicare? Medicare is a national health insurance program, run by the U.S. government. It provides health insurance for Americans aged 65 and older, as well as some younger people with disability status. It can be confusing and unclear who to ask, and we're here to help.

This no-cost workshop is for people currently enrolled in Medicare, anyone who will soon be eligible, and anyone else who wants to learn more about it. Learn about various plan options, prescription drug coverage, and supplements. You will have the chance to get your questions answered.

Welcome to Medicare is taught by a SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) advisor. The SHIBA program provides free, unbiased, and confidential assistance with health care choices.

This workshop is part of our Broadway Hill Club offerings, classes designed for older students and offered during the daytime on diverse topics, though students of all ages are welcome. 


*** This presentation meets online via Zoom. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, please click FAQ about Online Classes for the instructions.


We are currently not offering this class.


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