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Japanese Conversation - Beginner   

Class Overview

Japanese language students, are you interested in improving your ability to have conversations in Japanese? This beginning class will give you the opportunity to learn vocabulary within a cultural context as well as practice speaking with others who are at a similar skill level. We will learn to introduce ourselves, talk about familiar topics, discuss our daily routines, and more. Build vocabulary that is practical for common conversations. Improve your speaking and listening skills and your ability to have simple short conversations on familiar topics. In this class, you will learn some native-like expressions and practice using Japanese Hiragana / Katakana characters. You will also have the opportunity to explore modern and traditional Japanese culture. No textbook is required.


Learning Outcomes

  • improve essential speaking and listening skills for simple conversations
  • build practical everyday vocabulary
  • use native-like expressions
  • hold simple and short conversations on familiar topics
  • enhance understanding of traditional and modern Japanese culture

Who Might Enjoy This Class?

Prerequisite: 2 quarters (40 hours) of Japanese study or the equivalent

  • Japanese language students who want to improve basic conversational skills
  • Students of Japanese language who want to practice conversation
  • People studying Japanese who would like to speak more like a native speaker

We are currently not offering this class.


Please check our CE Calendar for upcoming registration dates.



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