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Course Catalog

ZOOM: Media, Technology & Culture   

**This class will be taught on Zoom**

**Note that this class will skip July 4 and end on July 18.**

Media, Technology, and Culture explores communication technologies and how they frame human consciousness and influence society and culture.  We begin with speech and writing, then move up the evolutionary ladder to discuss the influence on culture of mass media (books, magazines, radio, television, and film), and finish with a focus on modern digital technologies, (computers, the Internet, social media, video games, AI) and their possible impact on the future. 

Week by Week Outline

Week 1.  Speech & Oral Culture - What did you say?   Approx. 35,000 BC

Theoretical Frame, Definitions & Perspectives

The Great Leap Forward – Speech & The Coming of Culture

Tribalism & The Rise of Mythology



Week 2.  Reading and Writing - What ya looking at?      Approx. 3,300 BC

Social Structures of Visual Cultures

From Hunting/Gathering to Agriculture

Power, Politics & Perspectives

Sign & Symbol Systems

The Rise of Specialization, Hierarchy & History



Week 3.  Print and the Press - Can you repeat that, please?   Mid 15th Century

The Gutenberg Galaxy – Thanks, Johannes!

Publishing – Books, Newspapers, Magazines, Flyers

Reproducibility & The Coming of the Industrial Revolution

Shifts in Power - Power to the People

The Rise of Reading, Science & Empiricism

Authorship and Individuality



Week 4.   Light, Sound, & Electricity - What’s the buzz? 19th Century

The Ascension of Light & Image:  

Photography (Light Writing)

Electric Lights


The Reassertion of Sound & Coming of Telecommunication:

 Telegraph (Writing at a Distance)


Phonograph (Sound Writing)

The Creation of Audiences & Celebrities

The Rise of Social Sciences, Propaganda & Nations

The Coming of Popular Culture 

Novels, Magazines, Newspapers, Records, Silent Film



Week 5.   Electronic Mass Media – Why am I confused? 20th Century

Audio/Visual Media at the Speed of Light

From One to Many

Records, Radio & the Music Industry 

Talkies, Cinema, and the Movie Industry

Broadcast Television, Cable, & Pay Channels

Telecommunications, Satellites, & The Global Village 

The Power of Audience Market Research & Polls

The Rise of Subcultures 


Week 6.  Information Technologies - Why am I nervous? 21st Century

Computers and Digital Media. 

The Rise of Interconnectivity, the Internet & Individual Control 

Texting, Smart Phones, Streaming Services, Computer Games, Apps

Virtual Reality and Meetings

Social Media

Facebook, X, WeChat, Instagram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Pinterest

Personal Control and Content Creation

Desktop Publishing, Presentations, Music, Videos, Websites, Blogs, 

Youtube, TikTok


The Rise of Influencers and Isolation

Retribalized Culture

AI – What’s real and what isn’t?  Who owns what?

What does the Future hold?  


This class is not available at this time.  

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