**This class will be taught on Zoom**
**Note that this class will skip July 4 and end on July 18.**
In this richly illustrated course, we’ll delve into several Biblical narratives to see how modern research has clarified, enhanced, or contradicted the ancient texts. Topic areas will include: Creation and the Garden of Eden; the Exodus; The Jerusalem Temple and Its Altar; Did God Have a Wife; Famous and Infamous Israelite Royal Couples; When Jerusalem Fell: The Narratives of Jeremiah and Josephus. For each topic, we’ll integrate historical introductions, archaeological discoveries, and compare related ancient Near Eastern texts as we find new insights for some of the most important stories from our Biblical heritage.
Session 1: Creation and the Garden of Eden: Genesis 1-2 and How It Came to Be
Group reading of the text: your impressions and memories
Ideas from ancient neighbors: Egypt
Ideas from ancient neighbors: Mesopotamia and Anatolia
Genesis 1: 1—2:4: an elegant universe from only one God
Genesis 2:5—25: an ancient folk tale of God, Man, Woman and Garden
The Logos principle: woven through the fabric of the text
Session 2: The Exodus: Searching for Facts and Fictions
Background: Egypt in the New Kingdom
Background: Canaan before Israel
The question of when: one event or more?
The Egyptian evidence for Exodus
The Canaanite evidence for the earliest Israelites
Exodus and misguided memories: Moses and Akhenaten
Session 3: The Jerusalem Temple and Its Altar
A quick tour of Solomon’s Temple and its altar
Ancient Near Eastern temples: how they compare with Jerusalem
Whence the altar? Some surprising possibilities
Priests: what they did
Levites: an Egyptian connection?
The next Temple? Some disturbing possibilities
Session 4: Royal Couples, Famous and Infamous
Background: Israelite Kings and Queens
Case study No. 1: David and Abigail
Case study No. 2: David and Bathsheba
Case study No. 3: Ahab and Jezebel
Session 5: Did God Have a Wife? The Mystery of Asherah
Goddesses of the ancient Near East: what they tell us about the divine feminine
The journey of Asherah: migrating from Mesopotamia to Canaan; changing along the way
God’s consort: the very reluctant, but very plentiful evidence
Evidence outside the Bible: “I bless you by YHWH of Samaria and His Asherah”
How emerging Israelite monotheism crushed Asherah
Hiding in plain sight: Asherah and Khokhmah: you can’t keep a great goddess down
Session 6: When Jerusalem Fell: The Narratives of Jeremiah and Josephus
Jerusalem’s struggle to survive: From Rehoboam to Zedekiah
Reviewing the Biblical narratives of Jerusalem’s fall in 586 BCE
First-hand witness: what Jeremiah tells us about the fall and its aftermath
What archaeology tells us about the fall in 586 BCE
First-hand witness: what Josephus tells about Jerusalem’s fall In 70 CE
What archaeology tells us about the fall in 70 CE