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Course Catalog

ZOOM: Uncovering "Company" – Insights into Sondheim’s Acclaimed Musical with Rarely Seen Video Clips   

**This class will be taught on Zoom**

Let’s take a close look at this seminal work of the most daring, innovative, and influential figure in musical theatre history. You’ll learn about its unique plot structure, novel staging, and more.  But most significant, is what Sondheim has to say about dating, marriage, and coupling-in- general, via his brilliant score. As you will see and hear from the clips your instructor will be including, that score is filled with songs that are not only wickedly witty and vastly entertaining, but profound, thought-provoking and heart-wrenching.  Also included will be your instructor’s experiences corresponding with Sondheim over the years and interviewing him in his home at the peak of his career.


This class is not available at this time.  

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