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Course Catalog

IN-PERSON: The Arts of Mexico   

**This class will be taught In-Person**

**This is a 3 week course**

Explore the powerful art produced in the large, varied, and exciting country on our southern border. We’ll start with a look at the art and architecture of early sites such as Teotihuacan, but the focus will be on the post-Conquest world when indigenous traditions blend with those of newer arrivals and international art trends. We’ll look at the colonial era of the UltraBaroque, the 19th century, the Revolutionary years, Mexican Surrealism, and contemporary art production. Discover Mexico’s unique and influential contribution to the global art community.

Week by Week Outline

Session 1: Colonial Culture Clash
Discussion of the art of the Olmec, Teotihuacan, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec peoples; of codices and 16th century religious painting and the development of secular subjects in the works of Cristobal de Villalpando and Juan Correa; of the casta paintings (unique to Mexico) of Ignacio Maria Barreda and Miguel Cabrera. 


Session 2:  A Revolutionary Century

Discussion of early 19th century Romantic works by Frederick Catherwood, Jose Obregon, Jose Maria Velasco and Jose Maria Estrada; development of specifically Mexican subject matter in the works of Felipe Santiago Gutierrez,  Saturnino Herran, Angel Zarraga and Dr Atl; the satire of Jose Guadalupe Posada; early works of Diego Rivera; the Mexican mural tradition begins with Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siquieros.


Session 3: Mexico Meets the World (and the World Likes What It Sees)

Discussion of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo; Mexican Surrealism in the works of Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington and Maria Izquierdo; Rufino Tamayo; early century Modernists and several contemporary painters (Damian Ortega, Carlos Amorales, Dr Lakra, Daniel Lezama, Ana Segovia, Rocio Navarro.



This class is not available at this time.  

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