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Arts and Crafts   

Check out some of our great art classes. They are listed in alphabetic order so make sure you scroll down to see them all.

Click the course title to see the full description.
  • Drawing Facial Features for Beginners
  • Fee: $99.00
    Item: 40541
    Dates: 2/26/2025 - 3/19/2025
    Building: SOL01
    Room: L01-173
    Instructor: Divina Clark

    Number of Sessions: 4 Lacey 01-173 - We 6:00PM - 8:00PM See class description for supply list.

    Refund Policy: Cancellations must be received five business days prior to the first day of class in order to receive a full refund.


  • Painting Portraits: Mixed Media Style
  • Fee: $99.00
    Item: 27350
    Dates: 4/23/2025 - 5/14/2025
    Building: SOL01
    Room: L01-173
    Instructor: Divina Clark

    Number of Sessions: 4 Lacey 01-173 - We 6:00PM - 8:00PM See description for supply list.

    Refund Policy: Cancellations must be received five business days prior to the first day of class in order to receive a full refund.


  • Spring-Time Botanical Art, Mixed Media Style!
  • Fee: $85.00
    Item: 27352
    Dates: 5/28/2025 - 6/11/2025
    Building: SOL01
    Room: L01-173
    Instructor: Divina Clark

    Number of Sessions: 3 Lacey 01-173 - We 6:00PM - 8:00PM See description for supply list.

    Refund Policy: Cancellations must be received five business days prior to the first day of class in order to receive a full refund.


  • Watercolor Portrait Painting
  • Fee: $99.00
    Item Number: 40539
    Dates: 1/22/2025 - 2/12/2025
    Building: SOL01
    Room: L01-173
    Instructor: Divina Clark

    REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.

    This four-week class is for all skill levels to paint portraits with watercolor media such as watercolor paints and watercolor pencils. You will have an opportunity to paint a portrait (above the shoulders) of a person and/or animal, and option to paint your portrait in a realistic style, an abstract style or a twist of both! Limited portrait drawing experience? No worries! You will learn how to transfer a photocopy of your portrait choice onto a watercolor paper. Come paint!

    Supply list:

    • Watercolor paint pan, 12 to 24-color set OR watercolor paint tube set (student choice of brand, student-grade or professional-grade)
    • Recommended watercolor paint colors: Yellow Ochre; Burnt Umber; Raw Sienna; Alizarin Crimson; Mauve,  Quinacridone Red/Magenta; Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue or Prussian Blue; Payne’s Gray; and, Chinese White
    • Watercolor paper, cold-pressed, at least 9x12-inches OR up to 11x14-inches paper size (student choice – pad, glued, loose sheets, OR watercolor journal)
    • Watercolor brushes: Round (size 2, 6 or 8, 10, or a variety set); Filbert (size 2 or 4); Bright/Flat (size 4 or 6). Variety pack is fine too.
    • Wash brush, ¾”  OR 1-inch
    • Wetting Spray Bottle
    • Palette ideal for mixing watercolor paints – for color mixing.
    • Container for water
    • Paper towels and/or cotton rags
    • Flat, hardboard panel to tape your paper on to – at least up to 12x16-inches size board (recommendations: drawing clipboard, waterproof board, panel board – please check the wood scraps at a local hardware or lumber store)
    • Masking/Artist Tape for taping watercolor paper to a board
    • OPTIONAL:  Masking Fluid


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