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Non-Profit Development   


TCU Nonprofit Communicators Conference: Find Your True North: Navigating the Nonprofit Landscape with Ethics and Mission in Mind

True North is a fixed point on the Earth’s globe that remains stable as everything else shifts and rotates, which enables navigators to use it as a primary reference point. True North helps keep travelers oriented and grounded; it prevents them from losing their way and helps them determine the correct direction. Just as travelers need a True North, nonprofit communicators do as well. As the political, economic, and technological landscape changes, it is essential that nonprofit communicators also have a primary reference point for their communication planning and to guide their professional careers. As we reflect on 15 years of convening, this year’s conference focuses on topics that enable nonprofit communicators to revisit and reassess their true north to ensure that their efforts point each organization and each professional’s career trajectory in the right direction.

DATE: Friday, May 17, 2025

TIME: 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

LOCATION: TCU's Kelly Alumni & Visitors Center, 2820 Stadium Drive, Fort Worth, TX  76109

Parking is next door to the center, or in the parking garage just north of the center, both off Stadium Drive.

Conference Sessions (Speakers and Full Conference Schedule still to come):

Each year, the conference is organized by the Department of Strategic Communication in the Bob Schieffer College of Communication, and supported by TCU's Extended Education Office.


Section Code: 25SPENPD002A

Dates: 5/16/2025 - 5/16/2025      Times: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Sessions: 1   Days: F

Instructor: Jacque Lambiase, Ashley English

Capacity Remaining: 119

Fee: $50.00



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