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Course Catalog > Teacher Professional Education > Institute of Teaching Excellence: Science

The Institute for Teaching Excellence: Biology   

The Institute for Teaching Excellence in Biology is for teachers of gifted and advanced level students in life science or a first year biology course. The workshop will present various teaching strategies and activities that focus on increasing student opportunities to read and write analytically, use quantitative math strategies to interpret experimental data, and model relationships and interactions in biological processes. Teachers will develop activities and perform experiments with a goal of engaging students in their own classroom. Emphasis throughout the workshop will be to * Make complex biological concepts student-friendly * Help students discover connections between biological concepts * Incorporate technology into the classroom * Provide real world applications for better student engagement Participants will need to bring a laptop, graphing calculator, and cell phone for each session.
  • The Institute for Teaching Excellence: Biology    

  • Section Code: 24MPEITE001A   

  • Instructor: Sherry Martin   

  • Capacity Remaining: 23

  • Dates: 6/10/2024 - 6/13/2024   Times: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 

  • Sessions: 4   Days: M Tu W Th

  • Fee: $700.00


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