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Course Catalog > Courses and Lectures > Hobbies, Crafts & Recreation

Learn How to Create a Photobook With Ease by Watching   

This will be a practical demonstration via Zoom on how to create your own photobook with free and easy-to-use top-rated software. The instructor has created over 40 photobooks using images ranging from a cruise vacation, trips with friends, a grandchild's birthday party, soccer season, baseball season, dance recital, and gymnastics competition to a family photo album. Photobooks make wonderful birthday and Christmas presents! 
A photobook will be created during the session, and you will become a photobook expert!

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Learn How to Create a Photobook With Ease by Watching

Online Zoom Session

 Show Description

Section Code: F24FSFACT084A

Instructor: Ken Sparks

Dates: 10/16/2024 - 10/16/2024

Times: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Sessions: 1

Days: W

Building: Online Class

Room: Zoom


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