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Course Catalog > Courses and Lectures > Hobbies, Crafts & Recreation

Zentangle - Your Favorite Supplies   

Zentangle is a meditative art form that is easy to learn, with no preplanned outcomes. This series will continue to build on creating non representational art utilizing the steps of classic Zentangle method. We will use various materials within your personal collection including pen, graphite pencil, colored pencils, watercolor, and markers, is all that is required is from your basic Zentangle kit.

*Basic Zentangle Experience highly recommended prior to this class from Silver Frogs or online before taking this class. 


Zentangle - Your Favorite Supplies

Zentangle is a meditative art form that is easy to learn, with no preplanned outcomes. This series will continue to build on creating non representational art utilizing the steps of classic Zentangle method. We will use various materials within your personal collection including pen, graphite pencil, colored pencils, watercolor, and markers, is all that is required is from your basic Zentangle kit.

*Basic Zentangle Experience highly recommended prior to this class from Silver Frogs or online before taking this class. 

On Campus Session

  • Section Code: F25SSFACT105A
  • Instructor: Laura Dyson

  • Dates: 2/18/2025 - 3/11/2025

  • Times: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

  • Sessions: 4

    Days: Tu

  • Building: Secrest Wible

    Room: 119


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