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TCU Silver Frogs Charitable Gifts Opportunity

Would you like to make a donation to the TCU Silver Frogs in honor or memory of someone or in support of our program’s initiatives? Now you can! A special fund has been designated just for the Silver Frogs.

Gift FAQs

How do I make a gift donation? You can make a donation in the following ways:

·         Credit Card Online at

o   Indicate the amount of your gift

o   Select “Other” as the Designation

o   Click Add Gift

o   For “Indicate where you wish the gift to go”, list TCU Silver Frogs

o   Provide any optional tribute information

o   Complete gift processing

·         Call TCU Advancement’s Michele Anders 817-257-6308 to process a gift via credit card

·         Send a check made out to TCU and include TCU Silver Frogs in the memo line and send to

o   TCU Advancement, TCU Box 297044, Fort Worth, TX 76129. You may include any additional tribute information with your check.

Can I make either one-time or recurring gifts? Yes you can. You’ll indicate that online or in your conversation with TCU Advancement.

Are these donations tax-deductible? These are charitable donations. Please consult your financial or tax advisor regarding your gift.

What will gifts be used for? Gifts to the Silver Frogs are to be used only for Silver Frog initiatives. Extended Education administration will determine how funds will be utilized in conjunction with TCU Financial Services protocols. Examples include program equipment and support, underwriting expenses of large programs, speakers, etc.

Can I tell TCU how to spend the gift? TCU will make the best decisions as possible regarding the use of gifts.

Are there other ways to give to the TCU Silver Frogs? Yes! If you are interested in other ways to give, contact Michele Anders at 817-257-6308 or


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