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"Summer Shakes" Shakespeare Camp: Entering Grades 3 - HS Graduate

Theatre TCU welcomes you to Summer Shakes at TCU! Summer Shakes is a two-week, Shakespeare-focused day camp for youth and teens hosted by the Department of Theatre at TCU.



Grades 3 - 2024 high school graduate

Max: 80 students

On the first day of camp,  camp staff will assign groups of 15-20 based on grade level. Campers will need to bring a non-perishable lunch each day – we will provide snacks. Fee includes a Summer Shakes 2024 t-shirt. Camp classes will take place in the mornings with performance rehearsals scheduled in the afternoon. Dress comfortably to move and stay tuned for fun, themed days where campers can break out their fave Marvel, Disney or character gear! **Please note that there is no camp on June 19th in recognition of Juneteenth Day**



Acting, Movement, Improvisation, Stage Combat, Shakespeare History, and more! Classes are taught by certified theatre teachers, including a “Master Class Monday” led by special guest artists and instructors. No previous acting or theatre experience is required—come as you are to learn and have fun!


On the final day of Summer Shakes, groups will present an informal Shakespeare showcase performance--including an abridged production of one of Shakespeare's works--open to caregivers and friends.


 For information, call Theatre TCU at 817-257-7625 


Cancellations:If you must cancel your registration, you can do so up to one week in advance for a full refund less a $25 administrative fee. Cancellations less than one week in advance will not be refunded. COVID Exception: if your child contracts COVID the week before or during camp, you will be refunded 100% by providing documentation.

Section Code: 25MSYTHEA001A

Dates: 6/16/2025 - 6/27/2025      Times: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Sessions: 9   Days: Daily

Instructor: Julie Lovett

Capacity Remaining: 80

Fee: $450.00



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