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Course Catalog > TCU Summer Music Institute > TCU All-State Choir Camp

TCU All-State Choir Camp   

The TCU All-State Choir Camp is the largest program of its kind in Texas. It was established by Brad White more than 15 years ago and has since grown into two identical camps each summer. Students will learn and prepare the all-state choral literature and receive training in vocal practice techniques, diction and sight-singing. Entertaining and fun activities are included as well! Camp t-shirt provided.

 **Please purchase the required Treble or Tenor Bass 2025 Texas All-State Large School Packet Music in addition to your camp registration. If you already have the packet, please bring it with you to camp.**

**All State Choir Members, please call 817-257-7132 to register**

**Registration for ALL Choir Camps will close at midnight on June 30, 2024 or when capacity is reached.**


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