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Course Catalog > Instructional Leadership (TASL)

Instructional Leadership for Continuous Improvement: TASL Credit-Approved Bundle   

The Instructional Leadership for Continuous Improvement bundle are Tennessee Academy for School Leaders (TASL) credit-approved & accreddited courses presented as an interactive, web-based suite of courses that allows educators to meet professional development needs in their own time—on their own terms. With the support of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), TTI courses utilize "Accomplished Teaching, Learning and Schools" (ATLAS) videos that showcase theory in action. ATLAS is a unique, online library of authentic video case studies showing National Board-Certified Teachers at work in the classroom.


During the 2023-24 academic year, the Teacher Training Institute will offer TASL accredited courses. The current TTI/TASL offering is Professional Learning and Growth.  The series includes the following 3 TASL courses:

  • Course 37 – Learning Theories (5 TASL Hours),
  • Course 38 – Multiple Intelligences (4 TASL Hours), and
  • Course 39 - Sociocultural Perspectives (5 TASL Hours), for a total of 14 TASL hours. 


Per TDOE, when offering a TASL series, only 3 credit designations are allowed for TASL certificates. For the Culture for Teaching and Learning series, certificates will be issued for 5, 10 or 14 TASL hours after the course ends on June 24, 2023. (Hence, 4- and 9-hour TASL certificates will not be issued).


PLEASE NOTE: Once an enrollment has been processed, a registrant can cancel and will receive a refund of the cost of the registration minus a $10 administrative fee.


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