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Course Catalog > Design & UX

User Experience (UX) Design Fundamentals   

Simulate the work of a design team in planning a website with user experience in mind. 


  • Determine the business requirements of a new or existing website 
  • Research who the users are and how they will use the website 
  • Create a site organization structure based on how the user will interact with the website 
  • Develop a design that will enable users to accomplish their goals at the website 
  • Conduct usability testing to identify website design problems 

This project-based class simulates the work of the design team in implementing user experience design principles when planning a website. Topics: incorporating business and marketing goals while catering to the user, improving the usability of the site and its acceptance by customers and creating design documents using detailed procedures and guidelines. Students will create user personas and scenarios; site organization and task flows; storyboards, wireframes and prototypes; and usability tests.


  • Participants should be proficient with navigating to folders and files; opening, saving and closing files; and using menus, toolbars and dialog boxes 
  • A good understanding of the skills in Design Principles or equivalent knowledge is required 

Bring a USB flash drive (minimum 2 GB) to class.

Students must have a Bellevue College NetID before the first class session. Please click here to create your NetID account.

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