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Will and Estate Planning: Easier Done Than Said   

  • SOC-06 Will and Estate Planning: Easier Done Than Said
  • Session II: 10/23/2024 - 11/6/2024
    Days & Times: W 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
    Number of Meetings: 3
    Building: UPark 156
    Instructor: Teresa Chepoda-Usibelli
    THIS COURSE IS FULL. Please click the "Add to Waitlist" button below.

    Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6 (IN PERSON)

    *OLLI membership is not required.

    *Course does not meet 10/16; starts the second week of Session II.

    Learn how easy it is to plan your estate and leave gifts to people and charities that mean the most to your family! Philanthropic advisors for the UA Foundation will discuss giving through your retirement and estate planning and other strategies. All attendees will receive a printed will planning guide. Bring your laptop, and we will show you how to use UA’s FreeWill software. If you’ve never had time to meet with an estate planner or advisor, please feel free to schedule an appointment with Harry, Scott, or Teresa – questions are welcome, but they can give you more in-depth advice during one-on-one appointments. In-person enrollment limited to 26.

    Facilitator: Teresa Chepoda Usibelli, Major Gift Officer, UAF. Presenters: Harry W. Need


  • SOC-06-Z Will and Estate Planning: Easier Done Than Said
  • Session II: 10/23/2024 - 11/6/2024
    Days & Times: W 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
    Number of Meetings: 3
    Building: Distance Delivery via Zoom
    Instructor: Teresa Chepoda-Usibelli
    Fee: $20.00

    Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6 (ZOOM)

    *OLLI membership is not required.

    *Course does not meet 10/16; starts the second week of Session II.

    Learn how easy it is to plan your estate and leave gifts to people and charities that mean the most to your family! Philanthropic advisors for the UA Foundation will discuss giving through your retirement and estate planning and other strategies. All attendees will receive a printed will planning guide. Bring your laptop, and we will show you how to use UA’s FreeWill software. If you’ve never had time to meet with an estate planner or advisor, please feel free to schedule an appointment with Harry, Scott, or Teresa – questions are welcome, but they can give you more in-depth advice during one-on-one appointments.

    Facilitator: Teresa Chepoda Usibelli, Major Gift Officer, UAF. Presenters: Harry W. Need


Some Title


(907) 474-6607

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 758100
Fairbanks, AK 99775-8100