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The Pocket Book   

  • ART-13 The Pocket Book
  • Session II Add-On: 11/11/2024 - 11/12/2024
    Days & Times: M Tu 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
    Number of Meetings: 2
    Building: UPark 151
    Instructor: Connie Stricks
    Fee: $20.00

    Nov. 11 & 12

    *This course meets for two consecutive meetings.

    In this class we will make a Pocket Book: a place to store all those notes and thoughts that you want to keep but are now scattered about. Each page of this 3-section binding will have pockets or foldouts. The sections of your book will be bound using a coiled tacket stitch, which is a binding technique dating to the 3rd century. A selection of graphic imagery and decorative papers will be provided to give each page your personal touch. Materials fee $20; pay instructor at first meeting. Enrollment limited to 10.


    Instructor Connie Stricks studied Art History with courses in metal smithing and book arts. She has taught workshops in Fairbanks for the Northwoods Book Arts Guild, the Folk School, and at the Newport Paper and Book Arts Festival in OR.

Some Title


(907) 474-6607

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 758100
Fairbanks, AK 99775-8100