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  • MUS-02 Karaoke
  • Session I Add-On: 10/8/2024 - 10/8/2024
    Days & Times: Tu 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    Number of Meetings: 1
    Building: UPark 151
    Instructor: Terry Roberts
    Fee: $20.00

    Oct. 8

    Laughter and music are the best medicine. Come sing in a safe & supportive environment. A microphone will be available, but you are welcome to just sit back and sing along. If you would like to solo, let us know; otherwise, expect the rest of us to sing along with you. We have a huge database of music to select from, spanning many different eras and genres. Terry will contact you before class for a list of 1-3 songs you would like to sing. All voices are encouraged and welcome! Enrollment limited to 12.


    Lecturer Terry Roberts finds joy in singing and laughing with friends.

Some Title


(907) 474-6607

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 758100
Fairbanks, AK 99775-8100