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Welcome to UAF-OLLI! > Get More Involved > Teach for UAF-OLLI

Teach for UAF-OLLI   


Do you have talent, skills, or knowledge to share? Consider teaching for OLLI!

UAF-OLLI is the northernmost program funded by the Osher Foundation, offering a variety of non-credit courses, designed for adults aged 50+. Our students are interested in courses that are intellectually stimulating and creatively engaging, and our instructors never fail to deliver! There are no tests or grades; just a stress-free, encouraging community and an opportunity for continued lifelong learning.

UAF-OLLI instructors are volunteers! They donate their knowledge, expertise, and time to our program and our students. We have many repeat instructors who frequently tell us how wonderful it is to teach people who are so interested in learning and who have such rich life experiences. We are grateful for their contributions and offer special bonuses for our instructors and lecturers:

  • Instructors who teach a course that meets 3 or more times receive a free OLLI parking pass, a complimentary membership, and unlimited free classes during the semester they teach.
  • Lecturers who teach a class that meets 1-2 times may take one course free of charge during the semester they lecture.

If you have an instructional assistant to help, or are inviting a guest speaker for your course, they would qualify for the Lecturer benefits and their name must be included in your course submission.

Course Structure & Format

A traditional OLLI course meets for a 75-minute meeting once a week, for 4 consecutive weeks during one of our two Sessions. An Add-On week follows each Session and gives the opportunity to schedule a make-up course, a fifth course meeting, or a course that meets only once. Our courses generally meet between Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, but we do offer evening time slots upon request.

We offer classes in a wide range of subjects. Recent topics have included knitting, drawing, creating podcasts, reading Homer's The Odyssey, knot tying, weight loss, the Korean War, strategy games, chord construction, swing dance, women's suffrage, genetic engineering, and Chinese culture. If you have an idea, talk to us!

You can choose to teach a course that is distance-delivered (via Zoom) or in-person only. OLLI staff and volunteers are trained to assist with classroom set-up and instructor support.

OLLI Spring 2025 Dates

Session I:  February 10 – March 7
Session I Add-on: March 10 – 13 (no Friday, for UAF Spring Break)
Session II:  March 17 – April 11
Session II Add-on:  April 14 – 18


Next Steps

To propose a class, fill out the course proposal form or give our office a call. We are happy to walk you through the process!

Do you want to teach for OLLI, but you're not quite sure how to organize and run a class? Periodically, OLLI will offer a free class on Teaching for OLLI. This course will take your from your idea all the way to submitting a course proposal. Develop your ideas and learn about the unique needs of OLLI members, tips from other instructors, and how to work with staff.

Questions? Please call the OLLI office at (907) 474-6607.

Thank you!



Some Title


(907) 474-6607

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 758100
Fairbanks, AK 99775-8100