OLLI couldn't exist without volunteers!
Volunteers teach classes, serve on our OLLI Advisory Board and committees, lead Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and help in the classrooms and office.
Curriculum Committee
Goal: To diversify and revise curriculum offerings consistent with member interests and promote diversity in membership through instruction
- Work with the Program Director to review and brainstorm curriculum offerings
- Identify and recruit possible instructors
- Review course evaluations
- Plan instructor appreciation event/activity (cards, gifts, etc.)
- Evaluate program effectiveness and recommend changes as needed
Day Trips Committee
Goal: To plan, organize, and evaluate OLLI Day Trips during the summer months
- Create, share, and review survey by the membership on Day Trip suggestions
- Work with the Program Director to identify and plan summer day trips for members while considering the following topics: accessibility, parking, location, and disability parking availability
- Make sure Day Trips are in compliance with the policies stated by UAF Environmental, Health, Safety, and Risk Management (EHSRM) and the University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Work with the OLLI Staff and share Day Trip information to be promoted on the monthly newsletters and the website by April
- Create, share, and review Day Trip evaluations
Hospitality & Socials Committee
Goal: To plan and organize social events and the Annual Meeting
- Develop policies and plans for social events (Annual Meeting, Ice Cream Social, Anniversary Celebrations, etc) and coordinate with other Committee events as needed (Instructor Appreciation Luncheon, Donor Appreciation event, Volunteer Appreciation event, Orientations, etc)
- Recruit volunteers from membership to assist with tea and hot water during the semesters
- Recruit volunteers from membership to assist with socials
- Keep an inventory and restock materials for the program (plasticware, cups, tea, etc.)
- Create, share, and review a survey of social event ideas from the membership
Publicity Committee
Goal: To increase and cultivate membership through community presence and outreach
- Develop policies and plans for outreaching to the following communities: Fairbanks, Salcha, North Pole, Goldstream, Fox, Two Rivers, College, senior housing facilities, Senior Centers, affiliated FNSB departments, etc.
- Plan and implement New Member Orientations as needed, with assistance from the Hospitality Committee
- Create, design, and distribute brochures and advertisements promoting the program
- Create, design, and plan merchandise ideas to promote OLLI (bags, cups, pens, etc.)
- Work with OLLI staff to publicize OLLI events, classes, and Day Trips on Facebook and/or in the monthly newsletter
- Work with OLLI staff to review/update the website every year
- Work with OLLI staff and recruit volunteers from and engage membership to represent OLLI by attending and tabling at local community events (Golden Days, Midnight Sun Festival, CHIP Summit, NAACP’s Juneteenth, TVSF, Farmer’s Market, UAF public events, etc.)
- Assist with delivering catalogs to certain groups/locations per semester (August + January)
- Recognize member volunteers (awards, cards, luncheon, name tags, 10-20 year pins, etc.)
- Every two years, draft and send out a membership survey and present/review the results with the Board
Development Committee
Goal: To ensure the long-term financial future of OLLI
- Coordinate with the UAF Development Office on fundraising opportunities with the University and other affiliated programs (UA Giving Day, etc)
- Engage with the members and plan fundraising events for OLLI (auctions, meals, etc), if needed
- Identify grant agencies and pursue grant opportunities to improve program quality, technology, accessibility, and diversity
- Plan, publicize, and encourage an active giving program to supplement the OLLI endowment
- Develop a bequest program that would encourage members to remember OLLI in their wills
- Work with the OLLI staff to promote any giving or fundraising events OLLI is affiliated with, and report on any financial giving goals to be shared with the membership in monthly newsletters
- Recognize donors for the fiscal year (certificates, awards, cards, etc.)
Instructor Support Committee
Goal: To provide resources and support to volunteer instructors working with OLLI
- Develop policies and plans for providing Instructor Support during the Fall and Spring semesters
- Plan and implement New Instructor Orientation, Instructor Appreciation, etc when needed with the Hospitality Committee and the Program Director
- Assist instructors with developing example outlines for courses, provide resources and on-hand technical support
- Create and provide a helpful packet of basic information to help instructors be aware of OLLI and UAF policies, CampusCE directions, emergency regulations, classroom conduct, and building information
- Recruit volunteers from membership to assist as Class Assistants or Hosts during the semesters
- Recognize volunteer instructors (awards, cards, etc.)
- Create, share, and review instructor evaluations
Ready to Help? Sign up for a committee by contacting the OLLI office at uaf-olli@alaska.edu or calling (907) 474-6607.