One of the social avenues of the UAF-OLLI community!
Special Interest Groups (also known as SIGs) provide learning or recreational opportunities outside of scheduled OLLI classes. They are organized and led by OLLI members for OLLI members! Sometimes, SIGs evolve to community groups or social gatherings of like-minded students, becoming a way for members of the community to be introduced to our program.
How do I join a SIG?
You must be an OLLI member to join a SIG. You can either email the main contact of the SIG directly (listed below), or email the office at uaf-olli@alaska.edu with your interest, and staff can connect you with the right person!
I don’t see a SIG that’s really for me, how do I suggest new ones?
Any OLLI member can create a SIG! To create a SIG, all one would need is a handful of students interested in the same topic, have a main contact for that group, a day/time/location for meetings, and the frequency of meeting. For any additional questions, please contact the OLLI office at uaf-olli@alaska.edu.
online via Zoom
Art Club 
*Meets second Thursdays, Feb - May / Sept - Nov | 1:00 - 4:00 pm
University Park Building Room 154, 1000 University Ave., Fairbanks, AK 99709
Partnering with the Fairbanks Watercolor Society, this SIG meets monthly during the active OLLI semesters as an open invitation for any OLLI member who wants to enjoy social time with other artists, or need a place to work on current arts or unfinished projects. No experience is necessary, all skill levels are welcome!
Contact: Patricia Mata-Celis (matacelis@gmail.com)
*Meets Wednesdays, May - Aug | 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Roundup Steakhouse & Saloon, 2701 S Cushman St. #6646, Fairbanks, AK 99701
Come dance up the night during open floor hours at the Roundup! OLLI members are welcome, and can learn and practice line or partner dancing. There is a $5 floor fee for any participants who attend.
Contact: Michele Mouton (seamelmouton@yahoo.com)
*Meets Tuesdays, May - Sept / Nov - Feb | 1:00 - 3:00 pm
University Park Building Room 151, 1000 University Ave., Fairbanks, AK 99709
Come join us as we play 3-6 handed Euchre! Euchre is a fast-paced, easy to learn strategy card game. Experienced and/or beginner players are welcome!
Contact: Liz Peltola (peltola@alaska.net)
Lifelong Learning Book Club 
*Meets fourth Wednesdays, Sept - May | 1:30 - 3:00 pm
FNSB Noel Wien Public Library, Conference Room
Partnering with the Fairbanks North Star Borough Libraries, this SIG meets monthly to discuss a pre-selected list of books of a specific theme, genre, or suggestions by its members. Topics for the next year are selected in May.
Contact: Hope Winch and Josh Fontana (reference@fnsb.gov)
Music Jam 
*Meets Thursdays | 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Raven Landing Building #4, 1222 Cowles St., Fairbanks, AK 99701
An acoustic music jam group formed following a beginning guitar class taught by Jeep Reid. All acoustic musical instruments are welcome!
Contact: Jim Warner (jtwarner@ptialaska.net)
When Poems Happen 
*Meets Thursdays | 2:30 - 4:30 pm
FNSB Noel Wien Library, Location TBA
Want to make poem-writing happen in your life? Join us as we gently encourage each other to write and share new poems every week!
Contact(s): Scott Sexton (sextonbradley@gci.net), John Bost (jbost8@gmail.com)