Extended Education
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INVEST TODAY IN YOUR TOMORROW! Welcome to UA Little Rock ExtendedEducation! Browse our available Courses and Trainingsusing the categories below. Just click on the subcategory to see what is available. Or, perform a key word search by usingthe search tool located at the top right of the page. > Music & Theater > In-person Short Courses

In-person Short Courses   

Welcome to UA Little Rock Extended Education!

Browse our Music & Theatre Course schedule below.

You must sign in to your account to register and pay for a session. Please note, if this is your first visit, you can click on Sign in and go to Create new account; otherwise, you will be prompted to create a new account at checkout. We recommend that you use a desktop computer when registering.

If you prefer to speak with a human, please call (501) 916-3294 and someone will be happy to guide you.

  • Third Age Piano

  • REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.
  •  Show Description


  • Fee: $80.00

  • Instructor: Nancy Griffin

    Capacity Remaining: 7

  • Dates: 6/12/2024 - 8/6/2024

    Times: Arr

  • Sessions: 4

    Days: Arr

  • Building: Fine Arts

    Room: 269D


Some Title



UA Little Rock Extended Education

2801 S. University Avenue
Fine Arts, Suite 210
Little Rock, AR 72204

(501) 569-3276

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