The Office for Student Success, in collaboration with campus partners, is offering the Academic Advising Certificate Program to ensure the consistency and high quality of academic advising at UM and to provide professional development opportunities for individuals interested in academic advising. Through the training program, participants will learn about historical and theoretical foundations of advising, different approaches or strategies of academic advising today, UM-specific policies and procedures relevant to advising, various tools available to UM advisors, and support services and resources available to UM students. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to learn about specialized advising services for various diverse communities of students and other topics relevant to advising. These trainings provide great introductions to advising for faculty or staff members who do official or unofficial advising on a daily basis in their positions and need a refresher. The trainings are also useful for those who are interested in advancing into a professional academic advising position at UM.
Program meets online. Program is noncredit only. For complete information, visit the program website.
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