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Pre-Allocation: You will not have the option to add the discount. During allocation the MOLLI will add the $20 discount if you signed up for two or more $70 courses.


Post-Allocation: You can add the $20 discount. Discount is for individual registration only (Not a discount for couples who are each taking one course). If you are not signing up for two or more $70 courses, do not add the discount to your cart. Beginning Birding is NOT eligible as one of the two courses. Courses a spouse/partner are taking should not be considered when determining eligibility for this discount.

$20 Discount for Two Qualifying Courses

Please note: This discount is for one participant enrolling in two classes during the same MOLLI term and is only applicable for the first two courses.

Please also note: Great American Trials Viii, View from Within: The History and Collections of the University Museum, Retirement: Your Dynamic Second Act, Introduction to Winter Bird Watching, MOLLI Choral Society, Winter at the State Arboretum, Early-Season Montana Butterflies, Adaptive Gardening: Making It Work for You, Cosmology 101: The Universe at Large, and The Bitter Roots: A Reading Experience are NOT ELIGIBLE for this discount.



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