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> SUPPORT > Teach or Present

Teach or Present   

Interested in teaching or presenting for MOLLI? The MOLLI program provides accessible and innovative learning environments for adults 50+ from all backgrounds and levels of education. Our teachers are some of Montana’s best, including current and emeritus University of Montana faculty as well as professionals and scholars from the community.

Our program offerings are academically focused in the areas of Fine Arts, Humanities, Current and Political Affairs, as well as Natural and Social Sciences. MOLLI courses are typically offered as 6-week terms during the fall, winter, and spring; each class session lasts approximately 90 minutes a week. MOLLI events are typically a single day offering that lasts approximately 90 minutes.

This is truly learning for learning’s sake – no exams, no grades – just fun!

The deadlines for submitting proposals are:

Fall Terms (September - November): April 30
Winter Terms (January - February): August 31
Spring Terms (April - May): October 30
Summer Terms (May - June): October 30


Fall Terms (August - November): May 15
Winter Terms (December - March 15): August 12
Spring & Summer Terms (March 16 - July): October 12

To propose a course or an event, select the appropriate link below. Please contact the MOLLI office at 406.243.2905 or email molli@umontana.edu if you have any questions.


Course Proposal - Submit Course Proposal



Event Proposal -  Submit Event Proposal



Special Interest Offering Proposal -  Submit Special Interest Offering Proposal

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