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Course Catalog > Agile Strategy Lab/Strategic Doing

Strategic Doing: Ten Skills for Agile Leadership in Digital Transformation   

This 7-module online course, designed by faculty at the University of North Alabama and Purdue University, will help you understand and implement the skills of agile leadership in the context of helping organizations meet the challenge of digital transformation. These same tools and approaches are being used in a rapidly growing number of organizations across the globe. The course is designed to be fast-paced, interactive, and fun! Learners will walk away with a set of practical skills to help them become more agile leaders, providing them with a competitive advantage as managers and leaders and strengthening the organizations they manage and lead. The course is "asynchronous" - that is, there is no set meeting date/time. However, there are short assignments for each weekly module which must be completed by the end (Sunday) of each week. For more information on the content of the course, visit

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