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Course Catalog > Agile Strategy Lab/Strategic Doing

Leading Complex Collaborations (Online) - January   

Learn how to deploy Strategic Doing to move a group from picking the challenge they need to address, all the way through implementation. This new online course format from the Agile Strategy Lab at the University of North Alabama delivers the same learning outcomes as the 2.5 day in-person training that’s been offered throughout the US and Canada (with a number of European sessions to boot). Now, no matter where you live, you can take part in this practical and accessible learning experience.

The format for this course is both asynchronous and synchronous, and includes short sessions over eight weeks: 

Part I: Beginning January 18, through February 28, you’ll complete modules from our online course, “10 Skills for Agile Leadership.” This part of the course is asynchronous – that is, you’ll access the course and complete assignments at any time you’d like, as long as you turn assignments in by specified dates (you can plan on 2-3 hours of work each week). There will also be a few “watering hole” sessions in which the entire group will come together via Zoom to discuss the content. You must finish the Part I material to continue on to Part II.

Part II: Then, you’ll participate in a four-module synchronous (live) component that builds on the 10 skills and shows you how to put them together in a Strategic Doing workshop. You’ll work with your fellow learners to design and participate in a workshop simulation, and you’ll take the first steps to designing your own workshop. This component of the course will be held on the following dates and times (to accommodate most time zones – if you’re in Asia or Australia, please reach out to us for options) – Note that participants must attend all sessions: March 2: 1 - 3 pm Eastern, March 4: 1 - 3 pm Eastern, March 9 : 1 - 3 pm Eastern, March 11: 1 - 3 pm Eastern 

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