Are you ready to master the fundamentals of HR?
Our SHRM Essentials of Human Resources program provides a foundational overview of HR practices and behaviors. Through real-world applications and scenarios, you will be introduced to fundamental HR topics to help you effectively approach the challenging situations that you face in the workplace.
Developed by SHRM, the world’s largest HR association and leading advocate for HR professionals, the SHRM Essentials of Human Resources course helps you discover the key value HR brings to the workplace.
Whether you’re a student, new to HR, or in a small business environment, our course will help you develop the critical HR competencies and learn how to apply them on the job.
Build a solid foundation in Human Resources skills.
By covering a breadth of practical HR topics, the SHRM Essentials of Human Resources course provides the knowledge to perform daily tasks. Here’s a look at what we cover in the course:
- Leads with Purpose: Understand HR’s role in the workplace
- Maximizes Talent: Learn how HR influences employee experience
- Champions Culture: Discover how to promote equity in company culture
- Optimizes Intelligence: Understand how to maximize efficiency with HR technology
- Accelerates Performance: Learn how to create a measurable impact
- Knows the Law: Stay up to date on U.S. state and federal laws