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Course Catalog > Personal Enrichment > Personal Enrichment

Personal Enrichment   

  • History Of The Shoals: Rebels to Rock N' Roll
  • Fee: $99.00
    Item Number: 25SPPERS12001
    Dates: 2/13/2025 - 3/20/2025
    Times: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    Days: Th
    Sessions: 6
    Building: UNA East Campus
    Room: 105
    Instructor: Harry Wallace

    This popular class spans the Civil War to the development of Muscle Shoals music. Through Harry's talented presentations, our rich local heritage comes alive as you explore Civil War troop movements, major battles and personalities, the legends of Reconstruction, the Industrial Revolution, especially 1870's, East Florence and the founding of Sheffield and Muscle Shoals. Also covered: the turn of the century, the first and second canals, World War I developments, Henry Ford, the Twenties, the Great Depression, the coming of TVA, WWII and modern times. Three videos of early Florence and TVA will be featured.

    Taught by local historian Harry Wallace, this class has been offered for over 25 years and is a favorite of the community!


  • Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
  • Fee: $69.00
    Item Number: 25SPPERS15301
    Dates: 2/11/2025 - 2/11/2025
    Times: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 1
    Building: UNA East Campus
    Room: 105
    Instructor: Michael McMillan
    If you yearn to experience the joy of playing piano but don’t want years of weekly lessons, this short course is for you! Taught by Michael McMillan, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to make piano playing a part of your life, learning chords, not notes. You’ll learn all the chords needed to play any pop song, any style, any key, and a healthy dose of insider secrets on how to embellish songs. This is an absolute beginning class in chord piano techniques. If you can find middle C and know the meaning of “Every Good Boy Does Fine,” you already know enough to enroll.

    Materials fee of $29.00 will be collected by the instructor in class for an exclusive music/workbook(cash or check is accepted).  This book contains both instruction and music.  A paper keyboard diagram will also be provided as well as exclusive audio files which are accessible on-line.


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