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Course Catalog

Story Sparks!   

Please note: Participants must fall within the specified age range of 12-16 years for this camp. Children outside this range are not eligible to participate.


Composition book, pens and pencils, and daily lunches


Monday Breakfast for lunch
Tuesday Hotdogs/Hamburgers
Wednesday Chicken fingers
Thursday Pizza
Friday Spaghetti & Meatballs





Skybound Club 8-9am

Before-care available as a camp add-on
Morning Session 9am-12pm

Introductions and warm-up activities

Module 1 + Module 2

Lunch 12-1pm Eat lunch, relax, and socialize
Afternoon Session 1-4pm

Module 3 + Module 4

Wrap-up review and preview next day's activities

Skybound Club 4-5pm After-care available as a camp add-on











Instruction time includes lectures, presentations, in-class writing exercises, and comprehensive handouts. The instructor will cover the tenets of creative writing: crafting plots, developing successful story structure, inventing memorable characters, and writing compelling dialogue. Lessons and exercises will culminate in writing a short story.

Monday An Introduction to Creative Writing
Tuesday The Writer’s Journey: Using the Hero’s Journey Formula in Storytelling
Wednesday Creating 3-Dimensional Characters in Fiction
Thursday Plot, Theme, and Story Structure
Friday Telling Your Story and Team Writing

  • Story Sparks!
  • Please note: Participants must fall within the specified age range of 12-16 years for this camp. Children outside this range are not eligible to participate.
  • Fee: $349.00
    Dates: 6/9/2025 - 6/13/2025
    Times: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Days: Daily
    Sessions: 5
    Building: UNF Adam Herbert University Center (43)
    Instructor: John Boles

Some Title