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Watercolor Wonders   

Please note: Participants must fall within the specified age range of 12-15 years for this camp. Children outside this range are not eligible to participate.


All basic supplies, such as watercolor paper, brushes, paints, palettes, drawing pencils, micron pens and sharpies, colored pencils, oil pastels, and art erasers.


Monday Breakfast for lunch
Tuesday Hotdogs/Hamburgers
Wednesday Chicken fingers
Thursday Pizza
Friday Spaghetti & Meatballs


Skybound Club 8-9am Before-care availabe as an optional add-on
Morning Session 9am-12pm Warm-up activities, technical lessons, and tutorials and hands-on practice
Lunch 12-1pm Eat lunch, relax, and socialize
Afternoon Session 1-4pm Independent time on projects, creativity, and exploration
Skybound Club 4-5pm After-care available as an optional add-on


Instruction time includes technical lessons, tutorials, time to creatively explore and experiment with materials, and independent time to work on final project masterpiece. The instructor will cover lessons in brushwork and intensity, color, mixed media, light, shadow, and perspective. Tutorial lessons include: flowers, fruit, night sky, self-portraits, doodles and “reverse coloring book.” Lessons will culminate in painting a nature scene or landscape.


Technical lesson: Intensity and brush work

Tutorial: Flower


Technical lesson: Color wheel

Tutorial: Fruit


Technical lesson: Mixed media

Tutorial: Night sky


Technical lesson: Light, shadow, and perspective

Tutorial: Self portrait 


Technical lesson: Play!

Tutorial: Doodles and "reverse coloring book"


  • Watercolor Wonders
  • Please note: Participants must fall within the specified age range of 12-15 years for this camp. Children outside this range are not eligible to participate.
  • Fee: $399.00
    Dates: 7/7/2025 - 7/11/2025
    Times: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Days: Daily
    Sessions: 5
    Building: UNF Adam Herbert University Center (43)
    Instructor: Mandi Nix

  • Watercolor Wonders
  • Please note: Participants must fall within the specified age range of 12-15 years for this camp. Children outside this range are not eligible to participate.
  • Fee: $399.00
    Dates: 7/21/2025 - 7/25/2025
    Times: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Days: Daily
    Sessions: 5
    Building: UNF Adam Herbert University Center (43)
    Instructor: Mandi Nix

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